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Version 1.0342 *Beta 3.42* January 6th, 2005

- Added: mIRC Support Script for Hub-Link, Adds a right-click menu to make PM's to Hub simpler. (Thanks to Dj_Blade)
- Added: Option to Block Main Chat from IRC to DC or DC to IRC so link is one way only. (for CyberAL)
- Added: Ability to determine the Prefix used for IRC users or have no Prefix at all. (for GbG)
- Changed: IRC Nicks containing a | are now replaced with a ! instead of a - .
- Fixed: IRC Nicks were not removed from DC Userlist when Kicked.
- Fixed: IRC Nicks were not removed from DC Userlist when Hub-Link was shut down.

Version 1.0341 *Beta 3.41* January 3rd, 2005

- Fixed: YnHub is now supported (limited functionality, same as YHub)
- Fixed: String Function BetweenLast did not work properly in all cases
- Fixed: IRC Userlist wasn't always cleared when reconnecting
- Fixed: Some conflicts when the same username was used on multiple linked hubs (thanks Hölmgren)
- Fixed: Users can actually QUIT chatrooms now
- Changed: ChatRoom Userlist now expands when selected and has a context menu to remove users.

Version 1.034 *Beta 3.4* August 20th, 2004

- Fixed: ' | ' handling from IRC
- Changed: +hublist for Ops (added Hub Type and Script Ver.)
- Added: Two new IRC commands: +userlist and +chatrooms
- Added: Hub-Link acknowledges correct password for IRC Ops.
- Added: When Hub-Link is disconnected from IRC update Connection Status.

Version 1.033 *Beta 3.3* August 15th, 2004

- Fixed: IrcHelp.txt and added a sample file to distribution
- Fixed: Active chatrooms are sent to userlist when Hub-Link connects
- Fixed: a bug in the SDCH script with Name Bans

Version 1.032 *Beta 3.2* August 9th, 2004

- Release Version.

Version 1.031 *Beta 3* Unreleased

- Removed: Y-Hub Bot Name and PtokaX Bot Name from Settings Page.
- Removed: The changing description of the Hub-Link Bot to show connected hub stats.
- Removed: The Bot no longer imports the old MHCBot Settings from the Registry.

- Added: The ability to change/save the Hub Bot Name for each Hub.
- Added: The ability to change/save the OpChat and AdminChat names for each Hub. (Support scripts will overwrite.)
- Added: GUI Remembers the last Kick Reason, Redirect Address and Redirect Reason.
- Added: Commands for Adding, Removing and Listing UserName and Text Blocks in Main Chat.
- Added: UserName and Text Blocks to Multi-Hub PM's and removed case sensitivity.
- Added: The ability to link an IRC Channel to Main Chat.
- Added: User Count and Shared Amount to HUBLIST output.
- Added: an option to OP user in IRC channel whose Name matches an entry in the Network Admin List.
- Added: an option to OP user in IRC channel whose Name matches an entry in the Network Operator List.
- Added: an option to send /NICKSERV IDENTIFY command with specified password.
- Added: the ability to send Hub-Link commands from OPChat or AdminChat (Responses are still sent to the user, not to the Op/Admin Chat.)
- Added: IRC OP list. Specified users will be auto-OP'd if the hostname matches the last known hostname. If the hostname does not match they must submit the correct password to be OP'd.
- Added: TNameBan Command (Sends "$@PNB <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <Reason with spaces>")
- Added: PNameBan Command (Sends "$@TNB <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <#MinutesForBan> <Reason with spaces>")
- Added: GetList Command (Sends "$@LST <OPNAME> <USERCLASS>")
- Added: ClearPBans Command (Sends "$@CPB <OPNAME>")
- Added: GetNick Command (Sends "$@GNK <OPNAME> <IP>")
- Added: ChangeUserPass Command (Sends "$@CUP <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <NEWPASSWORD>")
- Added: HubInfo and UserInfo Commands (Sends "$@HNF <OPNAME>" and "$@UNF <OPNAME> <USERNAME>")
- Added: UserCommand Menu information sent to script (Sends "$#CMD <USERNAME> <USERLEVEL> <CDMPREFIX>")
- Added: Rules Command using a "rules.text" file
- Added: EDIT buttons for Chat/Name Blocks, NetAdmins, NetOps and IRC Ops in Settings
- Added: IRC Channel User now show on the Userlist with a "#IRC-" Prefix. The | character is replaced with -
- Added: The ability to send a PM to an IRC User and a Command from IRC to reply.
- Added: Chat Rooms with three commands JOIN QUIT and LIST (users in room)
- Added: AdminChat Notices for NetOp and NetAdmin changes made from Hub-Link GUI.
- Added: Ability to MAXIMIZE Hub-Link (Workfile: RS_FORM.BAS Author: Scott Whitlow)
- Added: a button in the GUI to send "/nickserv identify...."
- Added: Passive multi-hub searching.
- Added: detection for RYALTH script.
- Added: support for GETIP command for all users to find their IP#
- Added: support for MASSPM command.
- Added: LatHack and DCNet Icons and $Lock detection.
- Added: User Count to ChatRoom Desc. (Updates with GetHubInfo every 3 mins)
- Added: HELP for IRC users (Reads irchelp.txt and sends it to IRC users)

- Changed: The Network Admins/Ops lists and the Save/Reload Settings buttons have been moved to the Settings Tab.
- Changed: AdminChat no longer shows the prefix if Admins are on the same hub.
- Changed: Chat from Hub-Link Bot can be sent to a specific Hub/IRC Channel, or all of them.
- Changed: the HUBLIST command so it is available to ALL Users (Regular users only see CONNECTED hubs and do not see the address.)
- Changed: HELP to replace <PFX> anywhere in the file with the Command Prefix instead of only "-" in the second position of the line.
- Changed: MB to MiB and GB to GiB as per: IEC 60027-2, Second edition, 2000-11, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology
- Changed: $#TUN from script to accept an optional IP# as a second parm.
- Changed: Activity Log filter to filter multiple strings seperated by |
- Changed: Enable Flag to two flags, Enable Files, and Enable Chat.
- Changed: UserListSync to a setting in Hub-Link which the script must match.
- Changed: Completely rewrote the IRC Parsing engine.
- Changed: Version change... when released v1.031 will actually be called v1.03.1
- Changed: Rewrote SAVE/LOAD XML Settnigs file. (Should still LOAD old formats but make backups)

- Fixed: Hub Link no longer crashes when connecting to hubs with an OnJoin Message.
- Fixed: ListPBans command is now sent to hubs properly.
- Fixed: Hub Links which do not use '+' as the operator prefix won't get 'Unrecognized Command' messages any more.
- Fixed: Errors that happened when you tried to Kick or Redirect a user who was no longer connected to the hub. (Timing issue)
- Fixed: Hub Link will no longer crash when it encounters a message it cannot process.
- Fixed: The DENOP command will now properly remove a Network Operator.
- Fixed: YHub Connectiuon routine (improved LockToKey code by TasMan)
- Fixed: special handling to strip the last number off $MyINFO from PTDC++ v1.0
- Fixed: IRC messages containing the "|" character were not handled properly.
- Fixed: Case sensitivity bug for NetOps and NetAdmins.
- Fixed: Reset IRC User count to 0 when disconnected from IRC.
- Fixed: a bug in /me support in PM's from hub to IRC
- Fixed: a bug in changing a hub settings, while connected, that cleared the script
version and caused the hub to act as if there was no support script.
- Fixed IRC parsing of | characters, replaced by a - in DC.
- Fixed nickserv identify checkbox wasn't loaded correctly from settings.

- SDCH Script now refreshes the GUI whenever the redirect address is updated.
- SDCH Script now puts connection type of Bot on the OpChat and Bot if they are used locally.
- SDCH Script no longer sends $Kicks from the Bot back to the Bot.
- SDCH Script bug caused the CHANGEPASS command to fail, now it's fixed.
- SDCH Script has increased security and editing on Op/De-Op and VIP/De-VIP Commands.
- SDCH Script request UserCommand info from the Bot if the user supports it (Sends ("$#CMD <USERNAME>")

- NMDC Script bug caused the CHANGEPASS command to fail, now it's fixed.
- NMDC Script now sends IP# as a second parm. on $#TUN command.

Version 1.03 *Beta 3* January 25th, 2004

- Added: Support Script for SDCH v0.03 Hubs.
- Added: Optional check for new version on startup.
- Added: Script Commands to announce Hubsoft and Script Version, OPChatName, AdminChatName
- Added: Passive Users can now download filelists/files from Active users.
- Added: UserList Synch Hubs. Some hubs can agree to share their UserList, OP commands from ULS Hubs that effect the registered UserList are relayed to all ULS enabled hubs.
- Added: Op Commands to Bot that can affect some/all hubs. These can also be accessed from the Bot.
- Added: ULS Op Commands are announced in AdminChat to all Admins connected to a ULS Hub.
- Added: Main Chat support for any DC Hubsoft. *Tested with Y-Hub, Ptokax, DCH++, SBHub, DCH++, X-Hub and Ryalth)
- Added: OpChat support for hubs with a built in OPChat. *Tested with SDCH, Y-Hub and PtokaX.
- Added: Detection for some hubsofts based on $Lock value sent. Field is also updated by Script Version command.

- Changed: When a hub disconnects the Hub-Link Bot all its users are removed from the linked hubs.
- Changed: Rebuilt the Connection process for speed.....
- Changed: Hub Data is now processed throuh a FIFO Queue. Should reduce Lag in smaller hubs.
- Changed: Textboxes all over the place replaced with Listviews.
- Changed: Settings now in an XML file in local directory.
- Changed: Lots of code optimizations.
- Changed: Hub-Link Commands are only sent to hubs that have reported a Script Version.
- Changed: Improvements to the Bot Description cycling.
- Changed: Oplist propogation, Only Network Ops/Admins have keys on all hubs.
- Changed: Replaced pseudo chat messages for Hub Info. and OpChat with Hub-Link commands.

- Fixed: Users are now properly removed from userlist when Kicked by remote Operator.
- Fixed: Bot's share amount is now properly reported, should prevent the Bot being kicked by some hubs/scripts.

- NMDC Script now includes support for $UserIP v1.0 extension. DC Clients that request their own IP are given it. (Helps users with Dynamic IP's)
- NMDC Script Added the ability to reserve space on the hub for the Hub-Link Bot and 'n' Operators.


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